
Showing posts from February, 2011

Reminding myself...

I love being a mom. It is never boring, that's for sure. Honestly, I don't know how women can stand to work and be away from their kids so much - I think I would go nuts! But sometimes, I have to remind myself that things are not meant to be a bed of roses. Sometimes, most of the time, things can get really tough. Discipling (yes, I said discipling , not disciplining, as in training as a disciple of Christ) kids through life can get to be a messy business. It is definitely a hands on activity - although it gets to be more hands off as they get older, which actually is even harder, I think. Anyway, I digress as usual. One thing that God is always working on with me is the importance of people rather than "To Do" lists and stuff. I like cleanliness. I despise clutter. The trash can and I are good friends. However, with four kids running around all the time, my house gets messy and stays that way most of the time. A beautiful woman of God shared with me ...

Empty spaces

"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation." Matthew 12:43-45 Have you ever looked into an abandoned house? Even if the owners have cleaned it out well and cared for it well while they lived there, it doesn't take long for it not to be so abandoned anymore. Mice, bugs, and critters of all sorts move in. Dust and filth cover everything. Sometimes people come in to stay - and don't always have the best of motives or intentions. The point is, the house is no longer clean and occupied by people who are taking care of it. Why? Because a new owner was ...


Have you ever been thinking about something a God just gives you the perfect illustration to get you through? I was thinking today about how much I have felt like I was just barely holding my head above water, drowning in all that is demanded of me daily, when God gave me the perfect comfort. Of course, it comes from His Precious Word. Matthew 14:22-36 tells of Jesus walking on water, across the Sea of Galilee to join His disciples. They are afraid, but He says "Be brave! It is I. Don't be afraid." (v. 27b). Enter Peter on the scene - " 'Lord, is it you?' Peter asked. 'If it is, tell me to come to you on the water.' 'Come,' Jesus said. So Peter got out of the boat. He walked on the water toward Jesus. But when Peter saw the wind, he was afraid. He began to sink. He cried out, 'Lord! Save me!' Right away Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. 'Your faith is so small!' He said. 'Why did you doubt me?'...


Have you ever noticed what a great liar Satan is? The trouble is, he is so good at it, he sprinkles in enough truth, appeals to our greatest desire, and BAM , we believe it. Most women have one, deep down, greatest desire. For someone to truly love them. (Men do too, but different somehow) Anyway, so what does Satan say? "I love you, I want you to have the best" - the trouble is what he means is "I love to take you for myself, I want you to have what furthers the best for me". Subtle differences between truth and what he says. God loves us, really, not for Himself, but because He really loves us. God wants what is best for us simply because it is best for us. Wow! Why can't I filter through these lies better? Ahhhh , but one day, the lies will all be smashed and the truth will be out for all to see. I can't wait!