Roller Coaster
I haven't blogged in a while because I have been on my usual roller coaster ride. I'm not talking about life being crazy hectic, although it is, I'm talking about the spiritual roller coaster. Some days, I feel God's presence in an awesome way. Other days, I feel like I am wandering around in the dark. I was praying about it this week and it hit me - I am always focusing on my position and that is where my problem lies. Last week we were looking at Deuteronomy 12,13, and 26 in our CBS class. One of the main themes of these chapters is worship. We talked a lot about how to worship - not just on Sunday mornings, but with our lives. I love it when God uses His Word to speak to us! It hit me, I was (and am, as I struggle) pridefully focusing on me and what I need to do to get close to God when all I need to do is focus on God and then I am close to Him. So when I start focusing on me and where I am and what I am doing, I am starting to fill that with praise songs and prayer...