
Showing posts from 2012


Last week, President Obama made a startling announcement.  He has formally announced that our country no longer believes in right and wrong, but only in social trends at the whim of the people.  The United States has been heading down this road for many years, but to hear it come directly from the President is most unsettling.  The issue here is not truly gay marriage, but truth.  There are two truths which we must uphold for this issue.  First, homosexuality is sin.  It is defined as such by God Almighty in the Bible.  Of course, like all sin, we are called to love others into repentance, not force with hate and oppression.  But sin is still sin.  Secondly, according to our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and numerous other sources, the United States of America was founded as a Christian nation.  While we do not persecute people of other faiths, we do hold fast to our Christian principles.  This should be evident in ou...

Faith in Limboland

The second half of this year's CBS study we have been working through the book of Hebrews.  Wow!  It is amazing to me how much God uses His Word to talk to us where we are at the moment.  The last few weeks we have been looking at the eleventh chapter - the "Hall of Faith".  We have talked a lot about faith and perseverance.  This is something I need right now. We seem to be stuck in Limboland.  We thought we would have been moved long ago, certainly by now, but we haven't even put our house on the market!  In fact, we aren't even sure where we are going.  All this with no more job here (construction project, not actual paycheck).  One job near for a few more months, but what next?  We thought we were going on to another job, but that job keeps getting pushed back.  This is truly one of those moments when we must put our hands in His and let Him lead us through the dark. This, for two type A personalities who need a plan for eve...

Crushed, but not broken

Anyone who really knows me (the few there are), knows that I love children's literature. One thing I love about really good, usually older, children's books is the parallels that God reveals about Himself to me through these timeless treasures. The more I study God's Word and commmune with His heart, the more I see these. Here is my most recent discovery: The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams is a great example. Hebrews 5:8 says "Although He was a son, He learned obedience through what He suffered." As I pondered this truth, and the truth that our own suffering is for our good and His glory, I was a little confused. Why do we have to suffer and what does that really mean? Then I read this book, and the Spirit spoke clarification to my heart. In this book, a young boy receives a stuffed rabbit for Christmas. The rabbit is beautiful and nice, however, not played with at first. Then, as the boy loves the rabbit, it becomes shabby and suffers because of its missha...