
Showing posts from April, 2020

Because I said so . . .

     Did your parent ever tell you that you had to do something "because I said so!"?  My parents said that to me a lot.  My dad even had a shirt with that splashed across the front.  Have you ever said that to your kids?  I have, but very rarely.  I read somewhere, when my kids were little, that using the "because I said so" reason wasn't good for them.  It was lazy of me as a parent to not explain the reason and it didn't help them a bit.  I wonder,  though . . .      As I have mentioned, we have been studying Job in our women's Bible study.  We are wrapping it up this week and talking about how we don't have to understand God's reasons, we have to obey and trust, believe and have faith.  In other words, sometimes God just says "because I said so."  It made me think, am I causing my kids problems by always trying to make sure they understand reasons, whys, and wherefores?  Yes, they are older no...


     Do you ever wonder what people are hearing when you are speaking?  I wonder that often.  I feel like I must be a terrible communicator because the responses I usually get don't really go with what I thought I was saying.  Sometimes, I wonder if the words coming out of my mouth are anything like the thoughts that go with them in my head.       Then, of course, that leads me to wonder if I am listening well enough to really understand what other people are saying.  How often am I distracted or trying to think of what I want to say when I should just be focusing on what someone else is saying?  Listening doesn't just involve being quiet.  Listening means concentrating on what others are saying so we can ask clarifying questions and really get to the heart of what the other person is saying.  In this "all about me" culture, listening is a dying art.       Lord, please grant me ears to hear and ...