
Have you ever been on a long vacation? One where you stay in a hotel. Maybe it wasn't even a vacation, but work. Have you noticed how, as nice as it is in the beginning, the eating out really starts to annoy you? You really enjoy eating the "junk" (even if it isn't too junkie) at first, but after a while you really crave some good veges, some plain dish that you call "comfort food". Something homemade. Now, if you are one of those people who eat out every meal anyway, you don't realize that you are missing out on these wonderful foods from home, but if you almost never eat out, it hits you hard.
"Why in the world are you talking about this?" you ask. I'll tell you why. 1 Peter 2:2-3 tells us we are to crave the Word of God. Crave it! Not just fit it in to our schedule. Not just fill out a Bible Study lesson. Not just read it after we have read all the other books we think are great, but crave it! That is like our food situation above. When you are used to never feasting on the wholesome goodness of God's Word, it doesn't really bother you to miss it. But when you are used to it, wow, do you feel that craving! I remember well the times I have been "between studies" with no accountability. For a few days, maybe even a week or two if I really am honest, it doesn't bother me too much. But then it hits me - life is not going well. Oh, it isn't that any circumstances have changed. It is all attitude and perspective. I am not walking with Him, because I am not with Him constantly like I am when I am in the Word. Craving. Longing. Desperately needing to be with Jesus.
You know, God is working on teaching me some things lately that I really don't understand yet, but I'll try to share some of it as I go. John tells us "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) He goes on to tell us that everything was made through Him (John 1:3). This tells us that we are introduced to all three parts of the Triune God in the first 3 verses of the Bible. The Father (v. 1), the Spirit (v.2), and then in verse 3, when God speaks, the Son. Jesus is the Word become flesh. This means that, when we read our Bible, we are reading Jesus (sort of - I can't really wrap my mind around it all right now). The only way to really know Jesus, to have the intimate relationship that He desires, and we need and desire, is to study the Bible. Prayerfully discussing everything with the Father, listening to the Spirit. Cravings. What do you crave? I crave Jesus.


  1. I'm so glad you are blogging again, too! I hated not to be able to keep up with everyone for so long. Looking forward to staying in touch now!


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