Gray Areas
Different. What does that mean? We are called to be different. How? By our actions, sure. But how? By our appearance, maybe? These are questions I wrestle with on different levels all the time. There are several culturally accepted behaviors (or lack of behavior) that I wonder about. Often times, the only ones who can give me truly Biblical reasons for doing or not doing these things are the ones going against what is culturally acceptable. The ones who are just going with the flow don't really have anything Biblical to back it up - they offer me excuses that show me that they, too, have never really thought of it, no matter how mature of Christians they are. Are these salvation issues? No, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. But obedience matters. Obedience shows the fruit of our faith. It grows us to be more like Him. It binds us more tightly to Him. I would love to get together a group of mature Christian women to discuss a number of topics - birth control, head coverings, dress, make-up/beauty, women teaching men, etc. etc. All these topics are ones that I struggle with (maybe you don't and could give me some insight?). I want desperately to be obedient, but I would really like to know what that means. Especially when it means going it alone (in human terms, at least). Totally alone.
You could get a whole bunch of mature "Christian" women together and they would all come up with what they think and feel about things and it will all be different. (sorry, didn't mean to use that word) My point is, the older I get, (does that mean I qualify for the mature part?) I realize that I don't understand all those answers and that is okay. I just feel like I need to continue to read what He says about it and examine my heart, because ultimately that is who He is going to be talking to anyway when I'm asked about what I do or didn't do, not that whole other bunch of women. Love you.