Still here . . . . .

Not that I think there are that many who read this, but, . . .
I'm still here.
Still here in Columbia,SC. Still waiting to find out our next assignment. Knowing that the time is ticking and the job is finishing here. Knowing that we have to move somewhere - staying here only happens without a job and we don't feel that is likely (yet). I am not a patient waiter. Perhaps that is why I find myself having to wait so much. Perhaps God is once again sanding away at my impatience. If you've been reading this, you know that it was almost a year ago that we first had moving preparations beginning. We were so excited!! Then, as you know, that didn't happen. Nothing else seems nearly so exciting. Nothing else seems to be the right fit. I can't help this nagging feeling (maybe just hope?) that we will eventually end up in the great north, but how is a much larger mystery than ever. I always think about Joseph and how long he had to wait for his dreams to be fulfilled. Sometimes, I have a dream - one I know is a God-given one - and I try to force the timing and it blows up in my face, full of frustration and anxiety. So with this one, I wait. Oh, don't get me wrong. It isn't easy. It especially isn't easy to do it without just drifting around - and away from Him.
That's probably why I haven't been blogging lately. Blogging makes me face my weaknesses and look at things as they really are. "Way too deep for me," you say, "why don't you just post the funny things in your life?" You mean, like the toothpaste I just washed out of my three year old's hair right after shooing the dogs away from the older ones' new NASA posters? The dogs think that anything on the floor is their own personal chew toy. The three year old thinks that everything is a toy, except the toys. Or should I blog about how frustrating planning ANYTHING is, especially when other people are involved. Or should I blog about politics, and how every founding father is rolling over in his grave in disgust at the state of our nation?
OK, no more rambling. Waiting is hard, but God is in total control. (He even let the posters get chewed up and the toothpaste end up in the hair.) I'm with my husband, though, it would be nice if He would get email and give us a little heads up about things. Until then, we wait, and hope, and wait some more. With all the weird things that have happened with this set of job bids, who knows? God, that's who.


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