On Our Faces
"Come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker."
Psalm 95:6
This summer, on a recommendation from my BSF substitute teaching leader, I have been studying Psalms. God led me to a group working through Beth Moore's Stepping Up, which is a study of the Psalms of Ascent, so I folded that in to my summer study. In the beginning of that study, Beth challenged us to actually take the posture of bowing down on our faces before the Lord to begin each day - giving it to Him and recognizing Him as the King He is. I had also read recently a book called Follow Me by David Platt, which said something like this about salvation: we are not asking Jesus to be Lord of our lives, we are acknowledging that He IS Lord. All that to say, what a difference physical posture can make in our spirits.
It amazes me the difference in my day when I actually take the posture of being on my face, in physical reality, not just in my spirit, before the Lord, first thing. He is God. He is King. He is Lord. I am His servant, His bond slave forever. It helps me so much to be on my face before Him, clinging to His beautiful, nail pierced feet, and worshipping Him. What a great way to start my day. I highly recommend it. The perspective change is so worth it, even when I have a carpet print on my forehead for a while.
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker."
Psalm 95:6
This summer, on a recommendation from my BSF substitute teaching leader, I have been studying Psalms. God led me to a group working through Beth Moore's Stepping Up, which is a study of the Psalms of Ascent, so I folded that in to my summer study. In the beginning of that study, Beth challenged us to actually take the posture of bowing down on our faces before the Lord to begin each day - giving it to Him and recognizing Him as the King He is. I had also read recently a book called Follow Me by David Platt, which said something like this about salvation: we are not asking Jesus to be Lord of our lives, we are acknowledging that He IS Lord. All that to say, what a difference physical posture can make in our spirits.
It amazes me the difference in my day when I actually take the posture of being on my face, in physical reality, not just in my spirit, before the Lord, first thing. He is God. He is King. He is Lord. I am His servant, His bond slave forever. It helps me so much to be on my face before Him, clinging to His beautiful, nail pierced feet, and worshipping Him. What a great way to start my day. I highly recommend it. The perspective change is so worth it, even when I have a carpet print on my forehead for a while.
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