Have you noticed how anything of worth takes time and effort? I read an article this morning interviewing a weight lifter. He was talking about how weightlifting had taught him some disciplines that have really helped with his spiritual growth, too. When one wants to lift weights, bulk up, etc., one must work hard, day after day. There are small gains and sometimes set backs. One must start small and build up to the heavier weights. All of these have parallels to our spiritual lives. As I was pondering this, I was working in my yard. When we bought our house a year and a half ago, the previous owners had been struggling with health issues for a few years and the yard had been neglected. I want a nice looking yard, but I despise yard work. But I realized today that there was a lesson to be learned here, as well. My yard will probably take a few years to get back into shape. It will take time and effort. I...