
 When you think about a holy God, how does that affect how you see yourself?  I have been wrestling with this often lately, as we are reading a book by RC Sproul called The Holiness of God in our women's group.  God's holiness is often overwhelming.  One reason is because it causes us to see our sin so clearly.  We see our need and our inadequacy.  Our inability to "fix" ourselves.  I have struggled a lot in the last week or so and am so aware of my inability to "fix" myself.  This morning, I was reading in the book of Luke, chapter 18.  Towards the end of the chapter, Jesus encounters a blind man while approaching Jericho.  The blind man is told that Jesus is passing by and has a simple response, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"  Jesus, of course, stops and heals the man, but what struck me was the man's cry.  "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"  Oh, how often I want share the same cry.  God is merciful.  It is the only explanation as to why He would send His Son to die for us rather than forcing us each to pay the penalty for our own sin.  So cry out.  

"Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"


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