Have you ever felt like asking God why something is happening to you? Why are you suffering, when you are trying to be obedient? Why does it hurt? The world has filled us full of lies about suffering. The world tells us that, if we are good enough, we won't suffer. But that just isn't the case. This morning I was reading Luke 23:32-43. Take a moment to read that passage.
Do you see the different ways Jesus, the women, the crowds, the soldiers, the religious leaders, and the people in general look at suffering? Followers of Jesus are asking "Why?" The rest of the people are mocking Him, saying that He couldn't possibly be Messiah because He is suffering. But how does Jesus look at it? Jesus sees the purpose of His suffering, so He can suffer with humility, dignity, and honor. He knows that there is a reason He is suffering, and it is love for us that allows Him to see that reason, the joy of it all (Hebrews 12:2). Suffering with purpose. Not asking "Why?" but, "To what end?"
So while we suffer, and we will, keep in mind that it has a purpose - to make us more like Jesus. If that's the goal, then the means God uses should be something we count as joy.
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