Mob Mentality
There is often a big difference between being religious and truly loving Jesus. There have been people throughout history that were "religious" but had nothing to do with the One True God. Acts 19 talks about religious people who worship Artemis. They joined in a riot where the whole crowd simply shouted "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" (see verses 28 and 34). But notice verse 32: "So then, some were shouting one thing and some another, for the assembly was in confusion and the majority did not know for what reason they had come together." (emphasis mine). Mob mentality. How many "religious" people are caught up in mob mentality? There are psychologist devoted to studying this phenomenon. Basically, people go along with the mob whether they understand what the mob is fighting for or not. God does not call us to have a mob mentality. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to know what we believe and why.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian. It does not make you love Jesus. Just going to church can easily lead to mob mentality. When the preacher gets fired up about a political agenda, claiming Biblical reasons to fight or support, do you just go along with it? Or do you look at what the political agenda really is and then search the Scriptures to know the truth? When someone in your Bible study gets up in arms because another person says or does something they don't like, do you join him/her? Or do you look at the situation and then search the Scriptures to know how to handle it? Mob mentality has destroyed many a witness. So be on guard. Think for yourself. Know Jesus yourself. Know the Word yourself. Have a personal relationship with the Lord. That is the only thing that will guard you from mob mentality.
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