Deuteronomy - part 1

 Deuteronomy 1-9 (these are my notes from my reading)

 Reminders.  We all need them.  A note on our calendar about a birthday or anniversary.  A list of instructions to accomplish something.  Recipes for our favorite meal.  To do lists.  Address books.  On and on we could list reminders in our lives.  None of us have perfect memories and, even if we did have a perfect memory, we wouldn't act on everything we remember perfectly.  Especially after 40 years.  Most of Deuteronomy is a reminder.  Moses makes sure the generation that were children when the Law was given, when Israel first came to the promised land's borders, when God punished them, that these now adults and leaders of Israel remember what God has done and what He has said.  Moses reminds them of their parents' sin when God wanted them to enter the promised land.  He reminds them of the consequences of that sin and their wanderings in the wilderness.  Mostly, he reminds them of God's instructions, His Law.

 One of the big reminders Moses keeps repeating is for them to "watch themselves".  Sin is always around trying to ensnare us, but Moses not only wants Israel to be aware of this but to actively guard against it.  Idolatry, which God begins His Law by forbidding, is a huge problem with all kinds of spin off problems.  The people need to understand that they will be around many idol worshipping people so they must be on guard.  They must also remember to utterly destroy everyone in the promised land.

 Destruction seems harsh, but we need to be reminded that God is sovereign.  In these chapters, Moses reminds everyone of this by reminding them that God sets the boundaries of nations.  He sets up leaders.  He decides when a people group has had enough time to turn to Him and needs to be punished.  God reminds Israel that He is sovereign even in choosing them (7:7-8).  God chose Israel because He decided to, not because of anything they did or did not do.

 The chosen people also need a reminder that they need to be a people who remembers and reminds.  The nation must be careful to follow God's ways, but they must also be careful to teach the next generation to follow God's ways.  Children will not just inherit or "catch" faith.  They must be purposefully taught, first and foremost by their parents.  They must be taught who God is, what He has done, what He expects of His people, and the consequences for disobedience.  


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