Study breakdown
Here is a guide to breaking down a study passage for the week. You can use this with the Joshua study guide I have been posting about lately if you want or any other book of the Bible that you are studying.
NOTE: If the passage is particularly long, you can break it up into smaller pieces and spread this guide out across all seven days of the week.
Day 1: Read the passage for the week, answering the questions Who? What? Where? When? Why? And How? Make sure you have read the previous passages and understand the context for this passage.
Day 2: Read the passage again, making notes on the events and making sure you understand what the text says is happening in context with the whole. Write out questions you have about the passage.
Day 3: Go through the passage, using footnotes, cross references, and/or a dictionary as needed. Answer the questions in the study guide and any questions you may have written out for yourself.
Day 4: Go through the passage, using the BLB app (, biblehub app (, Sermon Audio app (, etc. to read/listen to commentaries and sermons about the passage. Remember to read/listen with discernment. These are human people teaching the best they know how. If it doesn’t line up with the whole of Scripture, then you can just toss that one out. Make notes and add to your answers for the questions in the study guide and your own questions as you need to based on what you learn.
Day 5: Read the passage again and finish up any other studying you want to do. How will you apply the lessons learned from this chapter to your life? Write out your answer and make a plan if needed.
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