Is there ever enough time for everything? Not if I am looking at my to do list, that's for sure. But God gives me the perfect amount of time for His to do list. If only I could remember that! I wish He would write it out for me each morning - a day timer for each day - I would be totally willing to follow it. But life doesn't happen on a schedule. God gives us "to do's" that He saw coming, but we can't handle the same way if we saw them ahead of time. Does that make any sense? Anyway, I feel like my life is one reaction after another. Not that I don't try to plan some things out, but most of those things fall to the wayside as more important things take their place in my day. Today is one of those days. I am so overwhelmed that I actually called my dear husband to ask him to bring dinner home with him. I hate doing that! But that has been my day. And the night is still young (as a stare blurry eyed at the screen wondering how many more seconds I will have to get this down) so much more to do! Sometimes, though, God interrupts me by making me go to bed. Maybe tonight will be one of those nights. One can hope.
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