"Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe;" Acts 2:43a
In the end of Acts 2, we are told about the baby church. They functioned in a way that was beneficial to all and led many to Christ. I have a note written in my Bible (not sure where I got it) that says, "The church before people started messing it up." As I was reading this passage the other day, one thing stood out to me more than anything else - their sense of awe. We have lost our sense of awe. How sad for us! We serve an Awesome God! He is holy and perfect and amazing. We should be in awe constantly that He would pay the slightest attention to us rebellious humans. Awe. When we spend time with Him, often and consistently, we can feel that awe. Verse 42 of Acts 2 says, "They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." (emphasis mine) Maybe that is where the awe comes from. Maybe we need to be continually focuses on hearing from the Lord and fellowshipping with Him and with other believers. That sounds like a lot while still living our day to day lives, but it must be possible. The church in the first century did it.
Lord, renew our awe.
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