Faithful in the little things

  The story of the 10 Minas in Luke 19 tells of a master who goes away, leaving his servants with some of his money to manage.  I have always thought about this story (and the similar on in Matthew 25) as teaching me to use what God has given me (like talents, abilities, and resources) wisely in big ways, but for some reason, when I heard a sermon about this passage recently, the smaller things grabbed my attention.  In the middle of verse 17, this phrase stood out to me: “because you have been faithful in a very little thing,” and I have been pondering it since that Sunday.  

What does it mean to be faithful in a very little thing?  Let me give you a little background so you can understand where I am coming from.  I have four children whom I have stayed home with and even homeschooled for most of their childhood.  At this point, only one is still in high school.  Even though three of them live at home, they all three have jobs and one is also in college.  This means that I am actually home alone a fair amount for the first time in over twenty years.  I also recently had to quit my part time job.  But God is teaching me a lot about being faithful in the little things in this season.  My house needs to be cleaned.  Food needs to be prepared.  Laundry needs to be done.  All these “very little things” are important to my family, along with countless other things.  None of what I do right now is “big stuff” or attention grabbing in any way.  Most of what I do goes completely unnoticed.  But that is what it means to be faithful in the very little things.  All of the things in Titus 2 that God, through Paul, tells women are good are very little things as far as the world is concerned.  Yes, the Proverbs 31 woman did some work.  But it wasn’t work for her own glory but for her family’s good.  In fact, Proverbs 31:23 tells us that it is her husband who is known, not herself.  And then in verse 28, it is her family who praises her and blesses her, not anyone else.  

To be faithful in the very little things, women, is to be faithful, submissive, and obedient in our lives each moment, step by step.  This brings glory to God.  We work in our homes and for our families for His glory, not our own.  We walk faithfully because, as we seek Him, He teaches us that this faithfulness is the perseverance He is giving us.  Faithful in the very little things, ladies.  Faithful in the lack of sleep.  Faithful in the tasks that have to be done over and over again.  Faithful when no one praises us, even when everyone is fussing at us and complaining.  Faithful in the morning.  Faithful in the evening.  Faithful in the very little things of every day life.


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