The Sovereignty of God
As I have struggled through some difficult things in the past year or so (and continue to struggle), I have often sought the council people I consider to be godly and wise. While I have gotten some help from them, I have noticed something that makes me ponder. I have heard a lot of phrases like, “I can’t believe a God of righteousness would do that,” “Logically, it has to be this way,” “I don’t think . . . ,” “I feel . . . ,” and more. Some of these phrases have come out of my own mouth. Lately, I have been rethinking them, though.
Does it really matter what I think, feel, or reason to be true? I’m not sure it does. What really matters is what God thinks, feels, and reasons to be true. And we find that in His Word. That means that, if we believe something, we had better be able to back it up with Scripture. It also means that if we believe something, even if we have believed it and been taught it for decades, but then the Holy Spirit shows us through Scripture that we are wrong, we better change what we believe to line up with Scripture. If we just can’t seem to do that and are working hard to make Scripture line up with what we think, then we had better examine ourselves, looking for the arrogance that makes us think that we are right and being right is the more important than submitting to God.
Sometimes, we will find things in Scripture that we don’t really understand, but, because His Word tells us it is true, we must hold to be true. For me, election is one of those things. I have spent most of my life being taught about choice and free will, but the more I study Scripture, the more I see election. I know that choice and free will work into it somehow, but ultimately, God chooses who is His. He does all the work of salvation from beginning to end because of His grace and only because of His grace. I don’t understand this, but I know it is true because His Word tells me it is true. I’m sure there are lots of examples of this type of quandary. The main thing is to remember Who is the One in charge. Who makes the decisions of how things are to be. Who created all things. And that is the sovereign Lord of the universe, the One who is above all, before all, and created all. We need to ponder passages of Scripture like Colossians 1, Isaiah 40, Job 38-41, and the Psalms. These passages help us to remember just how big God is and how small we are. They help us to remember that He is sovereign, even when His ways don’t make sense to us, because His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).
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