Numbers - part 1
Numbers 1-15 (These are my notes from my reading.) (1-4) God continues to set up an orderly nation. The warriors are numbered and the camp set up in an orderly fashion so that the tabernacle and, therefore, God, is at the center of Israel and is guarded well. The Levites are also numbered and assigned specific duties. They are dedicated to God and represent the firstborn of the nation, given to God because of the Passover and because the first of everything should be given to God. (5-10) Laws are reiterated and new laws given. Tests and punishments are set out so that the people can judge guilt or innocence. Women are protected by these tests for adultery so that their husbands cannot just make accusations and be rid of them. Every tribe gives an offering to the Lord for the tabernacle and the priests to use. There are rules for the lamps and trumpets made for signaling the camp. (11-12) The Israelites, like most humans, are huge complaine...