Idol worship
This morning I was listening to Owen Strachan speak on Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God from February's G3 conference. I've also been reading the Old Testament (as you can see from other posts). The two combined to get me thinking about idol worship. If you are a student of history and of the Bible, you know that idol worship centuries ago involved sacrifices (from which everyone got their meat), temple prostitutes, human sacrifices, etc. We always talk about how horrible idol worship was then, how pagan. But are we really any better today?
Today, we are just as pagan, just as sin sick, just as much into idol worship as people have always been. With the media today, we don't even look at it as a bad thing, but something to boast about endlessly. We even worship using the same methods that the ancients did. We have food everywhere and with everything. We eat and drink to excess all in the name of entertainment. Our culture doesn't even need temple prostitutes anymore because so many have turned themselves into prostitutes (male and female) in order to worship self, pleasure, and popularity. We sacrifice others in order to gain power, money, and prestige, whether it be by killing them literally or just killing their reputations or relationships. We are just as much a culture of idol worshippers as the ancients were.
So, where does that leave us? That should leave us realizing one thing - we need Jesus. We are by nature children of wrath. We deserve punishment because our idol worship is totally out of control. Our sin is eating us alive and we don't even see it. But God sent His Son to be the cure. Jesus came to be the Savior of the world. He came to set us free from this body of death. He came to set us free from sin and from the idol worship sin spawns.
Repent and believe.
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