Leviticus - part 1
Leviticus 1-14 (These are my notes from my reading.)
Burnt, grain, peace, sin, guilt offerings - these offerings teach us about the importance of pure, undefiled worship and offerings to the Lord. They also teach about the necessity of blood to make atonement for sin. These point us to Jesus, who was the ultimate sacrifice and the perfect and final atonement for our sin. The priests were told very specifically how to do each sacrifice. Some of it was food for them, other parts were only for the Lord. They had to obey God's way. He wants to be worshipped His way, not ours.
The priests and the tabernacle are prepared for service - everything must be clean, pure, and holy. Sacrifices must be made for sin to bring atonement for Aaron and his sons, followed by sacrifices to make atonement for the people. Only then can God "tabernacle" with them and His presence fills the holy of holies. Worship must be done properly. There are stiff consequences for not obeying God precisely, especially for the ones who lead worship and teach the people how to come before God.
God's people are to be set apart, different, holy. In Search the Scriptures (edited by Alan Stibbs), a question is asked pointing us to thinking about the laws concerning the treatment of leprosy and all things leprous by considering how we should treat sin and all things sinful. Sin, like leprosy, must be totally eradicated. It is so important in our lives and in our communities, to make sure sin doesn't overrun everything. We must hold ourselves and our Christian brothers and sisters accountable.
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