Genesis - parts 3 and 4
(These are my notes as I read through these chapters.)
Genesis 31-45
Even when a father doesn't lead well (Jacob deceives Laban, allows family idol worship, ignores Dinah's rape and Reuben sleeping with his concubine, plays favorites and pits his sons against each other, etc.), God still chooses to use Jacob and some good comes of it all. Lessons and humility are learned, even if in small doses (Jacob wrestles with God, Reuben tries to save Joseph, Judah and Tamar, Joseph learns humility through slavery). All these things in their lives teach them who God is and how He works. They work together to form a plan, the plan, for the salvation of the world - in the short term by providing food in Egypt, in the long term by providing the Savior of the world.
Sometimes, trials and tests are necessary, both for our faith to grow and for us to see that we can trust others who have wronged us. Fear comes from, and is surrounded by, sin. If sin were not present, fear would not be present (Joseph's brothers are afraid of what is happening to them because they know of their sin, Jacob is afraid to see Esau because he knows that he sinned against him, Judah fears humiliation because he knows that he sinned with Tamar, etc.).
Children learn from their parents. Abraham lied out of fear, Isaac lied out of fear, now Jacob is a deceiver to Laban after being one to Isaac and Esau. Simeon and Levi follow in the family way by choosing deception to deal with Dinah's situation. All the brothers choose deception when explaining Joseph's absence to their father. What am I teaching my children?
Genesis 46-50
Joseph settles his family in Egypt. Jacob begins his journey with worship and God reassures him that He will keep His promise - Israel will live in Canaan. God uses this time to build and strengthen Israel. His plan is being carried out, even when it seems things are going off the rails.
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