Book Review - Lord, Where’s My Calling? by Teasi Cannon

 Book Review - Lord, Where’s My Calling? by Teasi Cannon

Have you ever felt like you were looking for what God wanted you to do and you just couldn’t figure it out?  Have you ever thought that you were meant for something big in this world?  If you have, then this book is for you.  This book was so helpful for me in my confusion and struggle that has been brought about in this transition phase of my life (see previous post on Transitions).  It was very convicting and pointed me back in the right direction.  I won’t give away much, but if you want to live with purpose you should read this book.  Teasi Cannon helps us to figure out what our purpose is, what a calling is, what a goal is, and what a desire is.  Each of these definition are given with humor and great visual metaphors.  You’ll learn about being the best vacuum cleaner you can be.  You’ll understand that you are living on an area rug rather than a red carpet and that’s a good thing.  You’ll chuckle and you’ll end up on your knees in repentance and gratitude to the Father for His amazing ways, His holiness, His perfection, His character.  I highly recommend this book for any of you ladies who, like me, have been struggling to find your purpose in this current phase of your life.


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