Psalm 125

 125 (Biblical Text in italics)

1 Those who trust in Yahweh Our trust should always be in the Lord, not in anything or anyone else as our mainstay.
Are as Mount Zion, which will not be shaken but will abide forever.
  Mount Zion is the location of Jerusalem

2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, There are higher mountains around the mountain Jerusalem is on, so it is like it is walled in by mountains.
So Yahweh surrounds His people
The Lord surrounds His people like a wall surrounds a city.  He is faithful and holds His children carefully so that our souls are never harmed.
From now until forever.
Those who trust in the Lord are absolutely secure forever.

3 For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous,  The scepter represents kings.  Israel has had some wicked kings in its history  The wicked will not rule forever, though.  God’s ideal will come to be the reality of Israel - Jesus as King.
So that the righteous would not send forth their hands in unrighteousness.
Bad influences will not be allowed to last.

4 Do good, O Yahweh, to those who are good
And to those who are upright in their hearts.
This is the prayer of the Psalmist.  

5 But as for those who turn aside to their crooked ways,
Yahweh will lead them away with the workers of iniquity.
The Lord will vindicate His character.  He will make all nations know that He is holy and He is sovereign, just and righteous.  People do not always receive God’s good or punishment for their deeds while they are still on the earth.  This can be frustrating, but we need to turn to God in prayer, lamenting as needed, asking for wisdom and patience, but always trusting that He knows best and is always in charge.
Peace be upon Israel.


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