Book Review - Prayer by O. Hallesby

 Book Review - Prayer by O. Hallesby

Prayer is something that seems so simple, but yet proves to be so difficult to understand.  I found this book to have helpful nuggets in it, but yet also some very confusing things.  The most helpful part of this book is the reminder that everything in our lives should be for the glory of God and that anything that does not bring Him glory is not best for us, either.  The most confusing part to me is how the author addressed our part in prayer.  I felt like there was too much emphasis on God “needing” us to do something or God being “prevented” from doing something because of how we prayed.  I don’t know how to reconcile our part in prayer and God’s sovereignty, but, unfortunately, this book didn’t really help me with that.  Overall, it was a pretty good read and, as I previously stated, had some helpful comments about prayer.  I think this might be a helpful book to read along with others and, most importantly, a lot of Scripture study on the subject of prayer.  I also think that we will never fully understand prayer this side of heaven.


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